Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Last night, I attended a meet and greet for the New York Musical Theatre Festival. My first foray into the theatre world was through musical theatre, I always have had a special place in my heart for musicals. I love working on new plays and musicals, so it seems to be a natural fit to me.

The event seemed to be a huge hit! There were so many talented people in attendance at this event! It was exciting to hear about the projects the writers were developing and the shows that are already out there being pushed by producers. One thing is for certain to me; the recession will not hurt creativity!

There was one other thing that was obvious to me as I mingled about last night. The energy in the room was absolutely electric. When you have so many passionate people in a room together, you cannot help but feel that “vibe”. There was so much hope and excitement; you cannot help but to be caught in that energy. I am a person who is extremely passionate about what I do, and when I am among others who feel the same the effect is just intoxicating.

This energy is the thing I also love about New York City, and I feel very fortunate to be living here!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pleasure to meet you!

Welcome to my Blog!

I am writing this as I watch the Academy Awards - A celebration of what is best in Hollywood. It's exciting to see all of the beautiful fashion that is walking the red carpet this year! (When I receive my Oscar, I hope to be wearing a gown as gorgeous as the one worn tonight by Penelope Cruz.)

I plan to write about what inspires me, about my business, and my career. I hope to talk about the best, and with luck, not so much of the worse, of what is going around me as I go on about my life as a designer. I hope you will enjoy this journey with me!